Professor Niki Evelpidou from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens leads groundbreaking research in protecting beaches from coastal erosion, Paros, June 16, 2024

In a recent interview with Digitalparos, Niki Evelpidou, a distinguished professor at the Department of Geology and Geoenvironment at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, shed light on her groundbreaking research on combating coastal erosion. With her team, Evelpidou has pioneered an innovative and eco-friendly method of protecting beaches using natural processes.

Addressing a Global Crisis

Evelpidou's research addresses the alarming statistic that 70% of global beaches are at risk of disappearing due to erosion. Her team's approach mimics natural mechanisms, employing materials such as sand, pebbles, and shells combined with bacteria that produce a natural cement. This method creates underwater reefs that dissipate wave energy, effectively safeguarding the shoreline without introducing foreign substances to the environment.

The success of this method is evident through extensive testing in various locations, including the Mediterranean and Japan. Evelpidou highlights that these reefs not only protect beaches but also enhance local ecosystems by providing habitats for rich marine flora and fauna. Additionally, the process sequesters carbon dioxide, contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

Preserving Geological Heritage and Ecosystems

Evelpidou also emphasises the importance of preserving natural formations like ancient beachrocks, which serve as natural barriers against erosion. Unfortunately, human activities often lead to the removal of these formations, accelerating beach degradation. Her research advocates for the protection and appreciation of such geological and cultural heritage sites.

Furthermore, Evelpidou underscores the vital role of sand dunes in coastal protection. These fragile ecosystems are essential for preventing seawater intrusion and maintaining biodiversity. She proposes sustainable tourism practices, such as constructing environmentally friendly wooden pathways, to preserve these dunes while allowing visitors to enjoy and appreciate the natural landscape.

Educating and Engaging the Public

Evelpidou's work extends beyond physical preservation. She and her team have developed interactive applications to educate the public on geological heritage and raise awareness about environmental conservation. These tools, available in Greek and English, use virtual and augmented reality to provide immersive experiences of the Cyclades' natural and cultural treasures.

In conclusion, Niki Evelpidou's innovative and holistic approach to coastal protection not only offers practical solutions to erosion but also fosters a deeper understanding and respect for our planet's geological and ecological heritage. Her work is a testament to the power of integrating scientific research with environmental stewardship and public education.